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Wirfs-Brock Associates offers on-site and custom training in object and agile design, architecture, writing use cases, and communication. Our courses emphasize critical thinking, design and communication skills. Each course presents practical tips and techniques gained from our many years of software development and design experience.

Courses and Workshops:

Pragmatic Test-Driven Development

This course is a hands-on exposure to techniques for effectively writing tests in an agile enviornment. Your will learn two different testing rhythms: test-frequently and test-first and how acceptance and system quality tests can support and enhance core TDD practices.
"Practical - I can do this."

Agile Architecture Workshop
Learn small project and larger project/program practices and techniques for agilely defining, refining, and evolving software architecture.
"I now know how to manage architecture tasks and risks. Thanks."

Being Agile About System Qualities Workshop
Learn techniques for agilely identifying, developing, testing, and monitoring system qualties.
"You provided me with new ideas and techniques I can immediately take back to work."

Exploiting Fast and Slow Thinking Workshop
Learn how fast and slow thinking effect how you and your team decide and deliberate and what you can do to compensate for fast thinking biases.

Writing Agile Use Cases
This course is a hands-on exposure to techniques for effectively writing use cases, developing wizard-of-Oz prototypes, and integrating use cases with agile user stories in an agile development environment.
"Exceptional content - well presented"

The Art of Telling Your Design Story
Create compelling, convincing, and nuanced designed presentations.
"The tips and planning templates were first rate."

Introduction to Object Design and UML: A Responsibility-Driven Approach
In depth course in Responsibility-driven design and patterns.
"The instructor was well prepared. Good job! Great introduction! Good exposure to patterns, anti-patterns, design concepts, and practical design techniques. I recommend this class to my peers."

Developing and Communicating Software Architecture
Learn how to develop an essential architecture and explain it to diverse stakeholders.
"The course succeeded even beyond my expectations. Rebecca’s delivery of the course material was extremely collaborative and engaging."
"Thanks to
this course, we were able to take the core architects and create an evangelistic team which quickly produced results on the largest product development project in our company."

Practical UML
UML 2.0 in 1 day for the healthy skeptic. Move beyond overly simpllstic or clunky, cluttered diagrams.
"We have seen improvements in our design because of UML training. Everyone feels more comfortable using it."

Responsibility-Driven Design
Hands-on practical modeling.

"The example application and iterative design was great! Now I know how to think in objects."

Skills for the Agile Designer
Acquire techniques for seeing problems, shaping solutions, and focusing on the important stuff.
"The exercises were engaging..." "I particularly liked advice on giving and taking design advice and sorting our work into various design 'buckets'."

Writing Use Cases
"The information presented was very helpful and the practice sessions were invaluable."
"Best class on use cases I've had.... instructor had excellent teaching methods and engaged our full attention."
"The number of exercises allowed me to 'cement' the information from the course."

Our Training Philosophy
People learn by doing. We devote ample class-time to hands-on practice. Each class is roughly half lecture/demonstration, and half exercises and in-depth labs. A learning cycle, which lasts between a half hour and two hours, consists of a lecture or demonstration of new concepts and techniques followed by a challenging exercise. Instructor-led discussions of students’ work reinforces good practices. People get engaged if their questions get answered. We set aside time each day for questions-and-answers and instructor-led discussion.


On-site Training
We ttrain your employees at your facilities. While our preferred class size is 12 to 20 students--a size that maximizes instructor-student interactions--we can hold larger classes. We build competency by presenting students with challenging exercises. Students present their work which is "clinic"ed and reviewed by the instructor. Questioning is encouraged and we work hard to lead lively and thoughtful discussions.

Customized Training and Workshops
If you desire an experience more specific than our "standard" training, consider course customization. We are responsive; we cater to our customers' specific needs. We know our material and quickly come up to speed on your problems. We can absorb project-specific material and develop training on specific topics. We work closely with you to define your needs, propose a customization approach, and then develop custom material to your satisfaction. We’re fast, efficient, and focused on delivering value.

Our customization experiences are as varied as our clients. We’ve modified our popular design course to consider embedded development issues and interactions with non-oo systems and components. For some clients we’ve beefed up introductory concepts; for others we’ve shortened introductory concepts in order to focus more on design for flexibility. Clients can augment standard design training with follow-on workshop days where we guide teams working on their specific projects.

For one busy client, we transformed our popular 3-day Writing Use Case course into a 2-day format. Now this two-day class is part of our standard course offerings. For another, we adapted our use case course to include company-specific examples, use their template, and address specific agile testability and usability concerns. For one client, we added daily project-specific case studies delivered by student lecturers. The blend of architecture training with company-specific examples was a hit. Recently, we created a three-day custom course that focused on agile design best principles and practices. After three days of training, we reviewed and improved upon their framework designs. For another client, we conducted an architecture workshop and spent an afternoon reviewing and improving one student's important architecture presentation, improving it based on principles and practices presented in class.

Customization need not be a costly or lengthy proposition. If you’d like to discuss training customization please contact us to discuss your needs.

We can add additional workshop days to any of our courses, where we work on your problems and address your project-specific needs.

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