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Pragmatic Test-Driven Development

3 days

Ideal class size is 12 students. Price: Contact us at training@wirfs-brock dot com. Instructor travel and lodging expenses are extra.

Test-driven development (TDD) means writing unit tests along with production code. It leads to modular, flexible and extensible code. Many aspire to follow TDD practices however few know how to do so effectively. This course was developed by Rebecca Wirfs-Brock, inventor of Responsibility-Driven Design, and Joseph Yoder, founder of The Refactory, to bring practical testing techniques and practices to a wide audience.

In this 3 day intensive course you�ll learn several natural rhythms of testing, design and programming, uncover how refactoring affects tests, and see how acceptance and system quality tests support and enhance core TDD practices.

Course Objectives

The goal of this short course is to enable you to:

Course Topics

Attendees should have some familiarity with object oriented programming and agile development practices.


Who should attend?

Course Information
Approximately 50% of the time is spent doing and reviewing short exercises; 50% in short lectures. Course exercises can be completed using either Java or .NET programming environments.

For additional information, please contact us at training@wirfs-brock.com

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