The Responsible Designer

Agile Podcasts

At Agile 2005 I met Bob Payne during an open space discussion about growing an online agile community. Bob didn’t just talk. He helped make it happen by recording interesting conversations and turning them into podcasts. You can download them from Agile Toolkit. For those of you new to podcasts, you don’t have to have an iPod to listen in. I click on any podcast link in my browser, for instance, and the mp3 file plays after it downloads. Some highlights: Ward Cunningham and Rick Mugridge on Fit; Todd Little on the Agile Project Leadership Network; Mary Poppendieck on Lean; Lynn Miller, Jeff Patton and myself on User-Centered Design. Dave Astels, Scott Ambler, Bob Martin, Arlo Belshee, Nancy Van Shooenderwoert, Mike Hill, Esther Derby, Diana Larson, and Pollyanna Pixton round out the list. Bob’s planning on recording conversations and conference events at Agile 2006. Thanks, Bob!