The Responsible Designer

Design For Test

It sounds straightforward. Write your test code first, then write code to pass that test. Don’t write an inch of code without writing a test first. That is what test-driven development (TDD) is about: Use tests to drive out the design and implementation. Rinse and repeat. Repeat many times a day.

I know a number of top notch developers who are masters at their craft. Yet they don’t daily program in a pedal-to-the-metal test-first-only write-the-barest-amount-of-code-to pass the test style. Yet they value testing. Testing, to them, is integral to programming. I asked a few of my programmer buddies who value testing what does it mean to design for test (I have my ideas, but I don’t make my daily living writing production code)...even if they aren’t TDD followers.

And the bottom line is this: code that is designed for test must continually be tested (not necessarily at the speed of a TDDer). If you want to make testing feasible, you often need to make code-under-test easy to isolate from its production environment, tunable, and measurable. Not easy stuff. Just like design flexibility, testing doesn’t come for free. It’s part of a disciplined development process.

Read more about Design For Test in my latest IEEE Design Column.

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