The Responsible Designer

Getting it together...

Fall is a time for harvesting, collecting, and organizing

Over the past 25+ years I have written three books and dozens of articles, design columns, papers, patterns, and blog posts. I've presented talks at numerous conferences. There is lots of my stuff scattered across the internet. The majority of my writing is intended to have a long shelf life. It is as relevant today as it was when it was originally written.

But it has been hard for people to find and access. My goal is to make this body of work approachable and much easier to access. It's high time I got organized.

Over the past few months, I've been busy finding, collecting, and organizing this material. I intend to make it freely available. Allen Wirfs-Brock, as information architect and website programmer, makes it easy for me to continue to add to and organize my work.

There's a lot of material, with multiple, interconnected themes running through them. My goal is to curate this material in a way that makes these themes evident, coherent, and approachable. In this newly designed website, you will find some initial topical collections that pull together related writing, talks, blog posts, and presentations. These initial collections are just a starting point. I intend to add more and reorganize them as more connections between my works become clear.

You'll also find my published papers also organized by date. There are html versions for many papers and essays (Over time, I plan make to make most papers available as web pages.) These online versions of papers and essays aren't just text dumps. They include a table of contents. And for the academically inclined, they include the original footnotes and linked references.

What's next?

Over time, I will make more materials and collections available. There's new material in the pipeline too. (I have a backlog.) But this is enough to start. So with it being autumn in the northern hemisphere, I invite you to find a cozy chair, relax, and explore this new site.