This collection contains works I’ve co-authored with Mathias Verraes. In 2017 I met Mathias at the ExploreDDD conference. After listening to my keynote, Curating Your Design Heuristics, Mathias was inspired to get serious about capturing, recording, and organizing Domain-Driven Design heuristics. He suggested that we get together and talk about some of his heuristics. But…there were sessions going on and presentations. He remarked, “Yes, but they will be recorded, you can listen to them after the conference.” So, instead of attending afternoon sessions, we talked.
Mathias shared heuristics for designing well-formed events. We teased out nuanced heuristics about precision and amount of information passed along in an event payload. We talked about subtle differences that the seemingly “identical" events can have, based on timing and who initiated them. At the end of our conversation, Mathias crumpled up the big sheet of paper he’d been drawing on…he didn’t need it to remember all these heuristics—after all, he taught a several days’ course that covered these things. That evening I diligently wrote up notes of our discussion and shared them with Mathias. I wish we’d kept that piece of paper; it would’ve been interesting to see how our design ideas have evolved.
That was the beginning of many conversations on modeling and design with Mathias and many hours writing together. A few topics we’ve polished and subsequently they've made it to the light of day via our respective blogs. We’ve gathered several essays into the book, Design and Reality.
Splitting a Domain Across Multiple Bounded Contexts
Mathias Verraes
Rebecca Wirfs-Brock
14 Jun 2021
HTML 7 minutes read
Design and Reality
Mathias Verraes
Rebecca Wirfs-Brock
13 Sep 2021
HTML 9 minutes read
Models and Metaphors
Rebecca Wirfs-Brock
Mathias Verraes
21 Dec 2021
HTML 15 minutes read
Critically Engaging With Models
Rebecca Wirfs-Brock
Mathias Verraes
20 Sep 2022
HTML 38 minutes read
Surfacing Worldviews in Design
Rebecca Wirfs-Brock
Mathias Verraes
03 Jul 2023
HTML 5 minutes read
Critical Software Redesign: Creating the Environment for Large Scale Change
Rebecca Wirfs-Brock
Mathias Verraes
09 Jan 2024
HTML 1 minute read