Twenty Years of Pattern Impact

Gregor Hohpe

Rebecca Wirfs-Brock

Joseph Yoder

Olaf Zimmermann

This column celebrates the 20th year of software patterns. IEEE Software advisory board members teamed up with members of the Hillside Group, a nonprofit organization that promotes the use of patterns and pattern languages, to reflect on the state of the practice and impact of patterns.

This work © 2013 by IEEE
Keywords: impact;patterns;pattern writing;software engineering enterprise service bus;enterprise application integration;messaging;architectural knowledge
IEEE Reference Format:
G. Hohpe, R. Wirfs-Brock, J. W. Yoder and O. Zimmermann, "Twenty Years of Patterns' Impact," in IEEE Software, vol. 30, no. 6, pp. 88-88, Nov.-Dec. 2013, doi: 10.1109/MS.2013.135.