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Skills for the Agile Designer

1 or 2 days

Suitable for small teams or larger groups. Price: Contact us at training@wirfs-brock dot com. Price includes all course materials. Instructor travel and lodging are extra.

Agile designers need to quickly see the essence of a problem, shape reasonable solutions, and communicate effectively. When things don't exactly go according to plan, they must react, readjust their thinking, and try again. Seasoned agile designers strike a balance. They know the difference between core and revealing design tasks and plan accordingly. When unanticipated difficulties crop, they adapt their work rhythms. They know how to give and take criticism and ask clarifying questions of teammates and project stakeholders.


At the end of this short course attendees should be able to: One day course will contain only selected topics.


Day 1

Day 2

This course combines short presentations introducing new concepts and techniques with short, to-the-point exercises. In addition to course slides, attendees receive notes describing each technique, concept, or practice.

For additional information, please contact us: training@wirfs-brock.com

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