The Responsible Designer

2021 Year End Review

Rebecca Wirfs-Brock
Kapa'a, Hawaii

Here’s a quick recap of blog posts I wrote in 2021.

Agile Experience Reports

Juggling Multiple Scrum Teams I introduce Iuri Ilatanski’s experience report about life as a multi-tasking Scrum Master. Juggling involves meeting each team’s specific needs. I was Iuri’s “shepherd"—his sounding board and advocate—as he wrote this report presented at Agile 2021. Thank you, Iuri, for being so open to discussion, reflection, and the hard work of revising your writing.

Agile Experience Reports: A Fresh Look at Timeless Content I spent August organizing the vast Agile Alliance experience reports collection hosted on the Agile Alliance’s website. The collection includes reports from 2014 to 2021 as well five XP conferences. Experience reports are personal stories that pack a punch. There are many gems of wisdom here.

Domain Driven Design

Splitting a Domain Across Multiple Bounded Contexts Sometimes it can be more productive to meet the specific needs of individual users rather than to spend the time designing common abstractions in support of a “unified” model.

Design and Reality We shouldn’t assume domain experts have all the language they need to describe their problem (and all that you need to do as a software designer is to “capture” that language and make those real-world concepts evident in your code).

Models and Metaphors Listening to the language people use in modeling discussions can lead to new insights. Sometimes we find metaphors, that when pushed on, lead to a clearer understanding of the problem and clarity in our design.

Decision Making

Noisy Decisions After reading Noise: A Flaw in Human Judgment by Daniel Kahneman, Olivier Sibony, and Cass Sunstein I wrote about noisy decisions in the context of software design and architecture. These authors define noise as undesirable variability in human judgment. Often, we want to reduce noise and there are ways we can do so, even in the context of software.

Is it Noise or Euphony? At other times, however, we desire variability in judgments. In these situations variability isn’t noise, but instead an opportunity for euphony. And if you leverage that variability, you just might turn up some unexpected, positive results.

Heuristics Revisited

Too Much Salt? We build a more powerful heuristic toolkit when we learn the reasons why (and when) particular heuristics work the way they do. I now think it is equally important to seek the why behind the what you are doing as you cultivate your personal heuristics.