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Talks, Interviews, and Chats

Recent Talks and Presentations


    • July 15-16, 2017. Singularity U Global Solutions Program, Inventing the Future: Getting Started Workshop (slides)
    • February 2017, OOP 2017.  Don’t Break the Web: Scaling up JavaScript for the Next 30 Years, slides (PDF)
    • February 2016, AsianPLoP 2016. Keynote: New Patterns for a New Computing Era, slides(PDF)
    • February 2016, Forward JS Conference, Making a Standard: Inside the ECMAScript Sausage Factory, slides(PDF)
    • November 2015, View Source Conference, ECMAScript 2015: What Took It So Long? video, slides (PDF)
    • April 2015, Philly ETE, ECMAScript 6: A Better Smalltalk for the Ambient Computing Era, video, slides.
    • November 2014, Smalltalks 2014,
      • Welcome to the Ambient Computing Era, video.
      • A Modular Journey To A World Spanning Virtual Image, video, slides(PDF).
      • Modern JavaScript: The Smalltalk Influence, video, slides(PDF).
    • May 2014, Web Directions 2014, ECMAScript 6, A Better JavaScript for the Ambient Web, video.
    • June 2013, STIC13, History of Smalltalk at Tektronix, video, slides (PDF)
    • April 2013, Front Trends 2013, Warsaw, JavaScript: The Machine Language of the Ambient Computing Era, videoslides (Slideshare)

Various audio/visual interviews or conversations involving me and hopefully interesting technical topics. They were originally hosted on Microsoft Channel 9 seb site.

Chat with Rob Manson about Ambient Computing and Augmented Reality

If the video file is no longer available using the above link the 743MB WMV file can be download using this link.

This is a 2011 Microsoft Channel9 video featuring myself and Rob Manson having a conversation at the YOW! 2011 conference in Melburne.

Chat with Chris Wilson about ECMAScript 5 and IE9

If the video file is no longer available using the above link the 600MB MP4 file can be download using this link.

This is a 2010 Microsoft Channel9 video featuring myself and Chris Wilson talking about ECMAScript 5 and its  support in Microsoft Internet Explorer 9.  It’s about 40 minutes in length and I ended up doing most of the talking.  Both Chris and I left Microsoft shortly after this so I suppose this was our last official gig as as Microsoft spokesgeeks.

Chat with Dan Ingalls on Smalltalk, Lively Kernel, JavaScript etc.

If the video file is no longer available using the above link the 1.36GB WMV file can be download using this link.

This is a Microsoft Channel9 video of a long chat (72 minutes) I had with Dan Ingalls in 2008. Dan built the earliest Smalltalk implementations for Alan Kay and was responsible for many innovations including the invention of the BitBLT graphics operator and popup menus..  More recently he has been developing the Lively Kernel.  A Smalltalk-like development environment hosted in JavaScript. We talked about the history of Smalltalk, our common experiences as Smalltalk implementors, JavaScript, the future of Web-based computing,etc.

Chat with Jon Udell about History of Smalltalk

The audio file is no longer available from its original site but the MP3 can be download with this link.

This is a 2007 audio only conversation where I talk about the the history and impact of Smalltalk.  Particularly about the Tektronix/Instantiations/Digitalk part of the Smalltalk story.  I don’t recall everything we talked about but I sure there is lots of interesting details for programming language history buffs.