Papers and Essays


Agile Quality Pattern Gists

Rebecca Wirfs-Brock
03 Dec 2024
PDF 29 minutes read

Summary descriptions of all 23 patterns in the Agile Quality Patterns collection.


The complete collection of patterns about transitioning to agile quality described in pattern gist form. A pattern gist is a brief version of the fuller pattern description. The gist motivates the pattern, poses a question about the problem the pattern addresses, and then sketches the pattern solution.

Discovering Your Software Umwelt

Rebecca Wirfs-Brock
Allen Wirfs-Brock
Jordan Wirfs-Brock
24 Oct 2024 Onward! ‘24 Proceedings
PDF ACM DOI 32 minutes read

Explores the concept of a software umwelt and how it is formed, shaped and tuned over time.


We apply the biological-behavioral concept of an umwelt, which is how an organism perceives and acts within its environment, to the practice of software development. By writing narrative descriptions of our own software umwelts and iteratively discussing and analyzing them, we develop prompts that can elicit reflection on how and why we relate to software in the ways that we do.

Exploring the Generative Nature of Patterns

Lise Hvatum
Rebecca Wirfs-Brock
11 Apr 2024 PLoP '23 Proceedings
PDF 47 minutes read

A look into what it means for individual patterns and collections to be generative and an exploration of some differences between those that are highly generative and those that are not.


This is an about paper—one that we write to gain a better understanding, for ourselves and our readers alike, of the usefulness of a pattern language and what it takes for experience captured in pattern form to be of use to others. In it we look at what it means for individual patterns and collections to be generative and explore some differences between those that are highly generative and those that are not. We ask whether software design and software process patterns can be generative and, if so, what is their potential impact. Finally, we draw some conclusions on how these thoughts on pattern generativity could influence future writing of and support for generative patterns.


Observations on Growing a Software Design Umwelt

Rebecca Wirfs-Brock
24 Oct 2022 PLoP '22 Proceedings (Revised 02 Nov 2023)
PDF ACM DOI 30 minutes read

It is through experience, practice, and reflection, that we deepen the connections between new-to-us patterns and our existing knowledge, and expand our design umwelt.


Pattern authors ostensibly are experts on the topic their patterns address. Since most software developers don’t share those experts’ underlying design values, practices, and principles—let alone their design context—there’s a disconnect between what is said in pattern descriptions and that which is perceived and understood by pattern readers. As pattern readers, we will be better equipped to grasp the significance of these software patterns if we also gain insights into the design principles and values that they are based on and some reasons why they “work” the way they do. But it is through experience, practice, and reflection, that we deepen the connections between new-to-us patterns and our existing knowledge, and expand our design umwelt.


Should we stop writing design patterns?

Rebecca Wirfs-Brock
16 Oct 2020 PLoP '20 Proceedings (Revised 11 Jan 2022)
PDF ACM DOI 37 minutes read

If the patterns community wants to broadly increase pattern literacy, relevancy, and long-term impact, some things need to change. We need to focus more on connecting, relating, and refreshing the abundance of existing impactful patterns. And we need to reconsider how we the community of long-time pattern authors and advocates present and promote patterns to the rest of the world.


This essay reflects on my experiences of the past 15 years writing software design patterns and posits that if the patterns community wants to broadly increase pattern literacy, relevancy, and long-term impact, some things need to change. Those changes need to start with pattern writers—like me. Instead of indiscriminately writing ever more patterns, we should focus more on connecting, relating, and refreshing the abundance of existing impactful patterns. Changes also need to be made in how we the community of long-time pattern authors and advocates present and promote patterns to the rest of the world.


Who Will Read My Patterns?—On Designing a Patterns Book for Target Readers

Rebecca Wirfs-Brock
Lise Hvatum
10 Oct 2019 PLoP '19 Proceedings (Revised 22 Oct 2021)
PDF ACM DOI 59 minutes read

Guidelines for turning a set of patterns papers into a cohesive whole.


As patterns authors, we spend a lot of time writing. Usually our work is driven by what we want to share of experiences, working solutions, and ideas we are excited about. But how often do we think about the readers other than initially stating our intended audience? Who is going to consume our writing, and are we really putting in the effort to reach these readers in the best way possible?

This paper started because we are two authors who plan to make a book from a set of related patterns papers, and in doing so we really want to reach our target audience and provide a practical and useful piece of work. Our approach had two distinct investigation activities. One was to do an informal analysis of books about software processes and methods to gain a better understanding of characteristics and book design practices for this kind of book. The second was to use a combination of interviews and surveys to gather feedback on what readers are looking for when accessing information about software engineering. To better understand our potential readers and how to design our writing for their consumption, we created personas where we incorporated feedback from the reader survey into their personalities and preferences. Finally, we combined our information sources to create guidance for our future work of turning a set of patterns papers into a cohesive whole.

Elephants, Patterns, and Heuristics

Rebecca Wirfs-Brock
Christian Kohls
10 Oct 2019 PLoP '19 Proceedings (Revised 22 Oct 2021)
PDF ACM DOI 48 minutes read

Like patterns, elephants are an observable phenomenon, a pattern in nature. This essay look into why it can be deceptively difficult to explain, generalize, and understand the salient aspects of these phenomena.


Capturing the wholeness of design solutions in order to effectively communicate them to others can be challenging. We posit that patterns are observable phenomena of design solutions. To represent these phenomena, a pattern author needs to generalize and omit information. Experienced designers are able to unfold the essence of the pattern and generate design solutions based on the information that they do find in a pattern description. Not surprisingly, their personal design heuristics play a central role in this. As they create a design solution, they also liberally apply their pre-existing design know-how and heuristics. But novice designers may have more difficulty. As this folding and unfolding of information and knowledge seems to be quite an abstract concept, we have chosen to make our point by discussing elephants. Like patterns, elephants are an observable phenomenon, a pattern in nature. Many different descriptions, representations, and accounts of elephants exist. Many people claim to know what elephants are. Yet they actually have little or limited knowledge of them. This analogy helps to understand how at the same time we both know and do not know what a thing is.

An Exploratory Study of Naturalistic Decision Making in Complex Software Architecture Environments

Ken Power
Rebecca Wirfs-Brock
02 Sep 2019 Proceedings of ECSA 2019
PDF Springer DOI

This paper investigates Naturalistic Decision Making in software architecture and studies architecture decisions in their environment and decision-making context. The research includes a case study of large technology organizations consisting of a survey, multiple focus groups, and participant observations.


Architects always make decisions in some context. That context shifts and changes dynamically. Different decision-making strategies are appropriate in different contexts. Architecture decisions are at times made under conditions of time pressure, high stakes, uncertainty, and with too little information. At other times, decision-makers have sufficient time to reflect on the decision and consider alternatives. Understanding context is critical to choosing appropriate approaches to architecture decision making. Naturalistic Decision Making (NDM) explains how people make decisions under real-world conditions. This paper investigates NDM in software architecture and studies architecture decisions in their environment and decision-making context. The research approach includes a case study of large technology organizations consisting of a survey, multiple focus groups, and participant observation. Previous studies that touch on NDM in software architecture have mainly focused on decision-making processes or tools or developing decision models. This paper provides three contributions. First, we build on previous studies by other researchers to produce an in-depth exploration of NDM in the context of software architecture. We focus on Recognition-Primed Decision (RPD) making as an implementation of NDM. Second, we present an examination of the decisions made by experienced architects under conditions that can be considered naturalistic. Third, we provide examples and recommendations that help software architects determine when an NDM approach is appropriate for their context.


Traces, tracks, trails, and paths—An Exploration of How We Approach Software Design

Rebecca Wirfs-Brock
26 Oct 2018 PLoP '18 Proceedings (Revised 17 Feb 2020)
PDF ACM DOI 54 minutes read

While designers may read others’ design advice—be it patterns or stack overflow replies, the heuristics we’ve personally discovered are equally important. We can grow as designers by becoming more aware of our heuristics, acknowledging the inherent uncertainty in the design process, and learning effective ways to articulate and share our heuristics with each other.


Pattern authors intentionally create waypoints—points of interests along a design trail they hope others can traverse. While designers may read others’ design advice—be it patterns or stack overflow replies, the heuristics they’ve personally discovered are equally important. Patterns are just a small part of a much larger body of our design know how. Heuristics, like patterns, can be expressed at various levels. Some are small, simple acts. Others are bigger steps, taken at the beginning of a design journey. This essay explores ways we can grow as designers by becoming more aware of our heuristics, acknowledging the inherent uncertainty in the design process, and learning better ways to articulate and share our heuristics with each other.

Even more Patterns for the Magic Backlog

Rebecca Wirfs-Brock
Lise B. Hvatum
26 Oct 2018 PLoP'18 Proceedings (Revised 17 Feb 2020)
PDF ACM DOI 35 minutes read

This paper adds three new patterns (Rules, Shared Definition, and Remodel) to our collection of patterns to build and structure the backlog for an agile development effort.


Agile development processes are driven from a product backlog of development items. This paper adds three more patterns to our Magic Backlog collection of patterns to build and structure the backlog for an agile development effort using the outcomes of requirements elicitation and analysis. RULES defines who should be allowed to do what in managing the backlog, SHARED DEFINITIONS deals with defining and consistently using clear criteria for core decisions across the backlog team(s), and REMODEL is about restructuring the overall backlog contents.

Understanding Architecture Decisions in Context

Ken Power
Rebecca Wirfs-Brock
15 Sep 2018 Proceedings of ECSA 2018
PDF Springer DOI

This paper looks at aspects of architecture decision-making and its impact, drawing from an industry-based case study. It also includes recommendations for organizations to improve how they make and manage architecture decisions


Many organizations struggle with efficient architecture decision-making approaches. Often, the decision-making approaches are not articulated or understood. This problem is particularly evident in large, globally distributed organizations with multiple large products and systems. The significant architecture decisions of a system are a critical organization knowledge asset, as well as a determinant of success. However, the environment in which decisions get made, recorded, and followed-up on often confounds rather than helps articulation and execution of architecture decisions. This paper looks at aspects of architecture decision-making, drawing from an industry-based case study. The data represents findings from a qualitative case study involving a survey and three focus groups across multiple organizations in a global technology company. Architects in this organization are responsible for multiple products and systems, where individual products can include up to 50+ teams. The impact is not just on others in the system; architecture decisions also impact other decisions and other architects. The findings suggest recommendations for organizations to improve how they make and manage architecture decisions. In particular, this paper notes the relevance of group decision-making, decision scope, and social factors such as trust in effective architecture decision-making.

A Program Backlog Story with Patterns—Expanding the Magic Backlog Pattern Collection

Lise B. Hvatum
Rebecca Wirfs-Brock
02 Jul 2018 EoroPLoP '18 Proceedings
PDF ACM DOI 61 minutes read

Introduces three additional patterns for coordinating the work of projects which are part of a larger program: Pragmatic Program Backlogs, Linked Product Backlog, and Unified Product Backlogs.


This paper extends our Magic Backlog Patterns collection with three additional patterns for managing the work of a program– or rather how to deal with coordinating the work of projects which are part of a larger program and where there may be dependencies and shared deployment. While teams within a program may work fairly independently, their work still needs to be coordinated to produce a product. These three patterns, which represent alternative strategies for structuring the backlog of work, are introduced through a story of the correspondence of a business analyst as her hypothetical program moves through different backlog management strategies.


Are Software Patterns Simply a Handy Way to Package Design Heuristics?

Rebecca Wirfs-Brock
23 Oct 2017 PLoP '17 Proceedings
PDF ACM DOI 43 minutes read

Inspired by Billy Vaughn Koen’s philosophy of engineering heuristics, as explained in his Discussion of the Method: Conducting the Engineer’s Approach to Problem Solving, this essay explores some characteristics of patterns, forms connections between patterns and Vaughn Koen heuristics, and lays out some challenges (and frustrations) in using both skillfully.


Billy Vaughn Koen, in Discussion of the Method: Conducting the Engineer’s Approach to Problem Solving, defines a heuristic as anything that provides a plausible direction in the solution of a problem, but in the final analysis is unjustified, incapable of justification, and potentially fallible. Software patterns might be considered nicely packaged heuristics in that they provide a context for the problem, and offer plausible solutions along with forces that the designer needs to consider when implementing a solution. Like any heuristic, software patterns come with no guarantees that they will solve the current problem at hand. A dedicated group of authors in the patterns community continues to write patterns, collections of patterns, and more ambitiously weave patterns into pattern languages that attempt to cover paths to solutions in a particular problem space. Are we deluding ourselves about the utility of these efforts? Or is there something important about both the form and use of patterns in the larger context of design heuristics that we need to understand?

Pattern Stories and Sequences for the Backlog—Applying the Magic Backlog Patterns

Lise B. Hvatum
Rebecca Wirfs-Brock
23 Oct 2017 PLoP '17 Proceedings
PDF ACM DOI 46 minutes read

Through the use of story telling we illustrate how you might address common project issues by applying patterns from our Magic Backlog Collection in combination with other patterns and practices.


Agile development processes are driven from a backlog of development items. This paper looks at how to apply patterns from our Magic Backlog collection through the use of storytelling. We follow a project through various scenarios from the early days through significant growth into a mature setting and then, finally to a disruptive transition as the project becomes part of a program. Our goal is to focus on common project issues that we believe are experienced by many people involved in software development, and how the use of combinations of patterns, including our own as well as other patterns and practices, can help resolve or mitigate these problems.


QA to AQ Part Six: Being Agile at Quality—Enabling and Infusing Quality

Joseph W. Yoder
Rebecca Wirfs-Brock
Hironori Washizaki
24 Oct 2016 PLoP '16 Proceedings
PDF ACM DOI 23 minutes read

This paper expands on ways for Being Agile at Quality by presenting three patterns: System Quality Specialist, Spread the Quality Workload, and Automate As You Go.


To achieve quality systems and products, it is vital to enable and infuse quality work throughout the entire process, rather than piling it on at the end. Thus paying attention to when to this, how to do this, and who is involved can increase quality. This paper presents three patterns from the collection of patterns on being agile at quality: System Quality Specialist, Spread the Quality Workload, and Automate As You Go. System Quality Specialists can define, test, and implement system-quality characteristics that are complex or require specialized skills and expertise to get right. Spreading the Quality Workload throughout the development process keeps the team from being overly burdened with quality-related work at any point in time. If you Automate As You Go, this enables teams to streamline their build and testing processes, eliminate tedious or mundane tasks, and allow more time for team members to focus on implementing and testing important system qualities.

More Patterns for the Magic Backlog

Rebecca Wirfs-Brock
Lise B. Hvatum
24 Oct 2016 PLoP '16 Proceedings
PDF ACM DOI 39 minutes read

This paper adds three new patterns to our collection of Magic Backlog Patterns to build and structure the backlog for an agile development effort. The Funnel adds new content, the Pipeline prepares backlog contents for implementation, and Maintenance supports continued upkeep of the backlog contents.


Agile development processes are driven from a backlog of development items. This paper adds three new patterns to our collection of patterns to build and structure the backlog for an agile development effort using the outcomes of requirements elicitation and analysis. The Funnel adds new content to the backlog, the Pipeline prepares backlog contents for implementation, and Maintenance performs continued care of backlog contents. The need to formalize the backlog increases with the size of the project.

QA to AQ Part Five: Being Agile at Quality—Growing Quality Awareness and Expertise

Joseph W. Yoder
Rebecca Wirfs-Brock
Hironori Washizaki
26 Feb 2016 AsianPLoP '16 Proceedings
PDF 27 minutes read

This paper presents three patterns for growing quality awareness and expertise: Quality Checklists, the Product Quality Champion, and Shadow the Quality Expert.


As organizations transition to agile processes, Quality Assurance (QA) activities and roles evolve. The whole team focuses on quality as they incrementally deliver working software. Incremental delivery provides an opportunity to engage in QA activities much earlier, ensuring that both functionality and system qualities are focused on just in time, rather than too late. Knowing what and when specific qualities need to be paid attention to and checking that they have been appropriately addressed is important. The patterns in this paper extend our previous work with three patterns aimed at increasing quality awareness and expertise: “Quality Checklists,” the “Product Quality Champion,” and “Shadow the Quality Expert.”


QA to AQ Part Four: Shifting from Quality Assurance to Agile Quality—Prioritizing Qualities and Making them Visible

Joseph W. Yoder
Rebecca Wirfs-Brock
Hironori Washizaki
24 Oct 2015 PLoP '15 Proceedings
PDF ACM DOI 21 minutes read

This paper presents three patterns for identifying system qualities and making them visible.


As organizations transition to agile processes, Quality Assurance (QA) activities and attention to system quality need to evolve along with the evolution of development practices. Agile quality teams incrementally deliver working software while ensuring that important system qualities are also addressed. In order to pay appropriate attention to system qualities, they need to be visible and included as part of the prioritized work. This paper presents patterns for identifying system qualities and including them on the project roadmap, adding quality-related work items to the project backlog, and creating a quality radiator that communicates the status and goals for delivering system qualities.

Patterns to Build the Magic Backlog

Lise B. Hvatum
Rebecca Wirfs-Brock
15 Aug 2015 EuroPLoP '15 Proceedings
PDF ACM DOI 59 minutes read

The need to formalize the backlog increases with the size of the project. The patterns in this paper are targeted at large systems that must support complex operational processes, have hundreds of detailed requirements and possible safety and security concerns, and that may need to support external audits or prove that sufficient testing was done before deployment. We call this collection the “Magic Backlog” patterns for two reasons: agile process descriptions pay relative little attention to the creation of the backlog – so it appears as if by magic; but done well, with the right contents and structure, a backlog can do magic to support the team.


Agile development processes are driven from a backlog of development items. This paper describes patterns to build and structure the backlog for an agile development effort using the outcomes of requirements elicitation and analysis. The need to formalize the backlog increases with the size of the project.


QA to AQ Part Two: Shifting from Quality Assurance to Agile Quality—Measuring and Monitoring Quality

Joseph W. Yoder
Rebecca Wirfs-Brock
14 Nov 2014 PLoP '14 Proceedings
PDF ACM DOI 31 minutes read

This paper is part two of a series of pattern papers about Agile QA practices and activities. The patterns in this paper are about measuring and monitoring system qualities.


As organizations transition to agile processes, Quality Assurance (QA) activities and roles need to evolve. Traditionally, QA activities occur late in the process, after the software is fully functioning. As a consequence, QA departments have been “quality gatekeepers” rather than actively engaged in the ongoing development and delivery of quality software. Agile teams incrementally deliver working software. Incremental delivery provides an opportunity to engage in QA activities much earlier, ensuring that both functionality and important system qualities are addressed just in time, rather than too late. Agile teams embrace a “whole team” approach. Even though special skills may be required to perform certain development and Quality Assurance tasks, everyone on the team is focused on the delivery of quality software. This paper is part two of a series of patterns about Agile QA practices and activities. The patterns in this paper are focused primarily on measuring and monitoring system qualities.

QA to AQ Part Three: Shifting from Quality Assurance to Agile Quality—Tearing Down the Walls

Joseph W. Yoder
Rebecca Wirfs-Brock
Hironori Washizaki
09 Nov 2014 SugarLoafPLoP '14 Proceedings
PDF 21 minutes read

The two patterns in this paper, “Break Down Barriers” and “Pair with a Quality Advocate”, are about removing barriers between Quality Assurance and other parts of the organization.


As organizations transition to agile processes, Quality Assurance (QA) activities and roles need to evolve. Traditionally, QA activities occur late in the process, after the software is fully functioning. As a consequence, QA departments have been “quality gatekeepers” rather than actively engaged in the ongoing development and delivery of quality software. Agile teams incrementally deliver working software. Incremental delivery provides an opportunity to engage in QA activities much earlier, ensuring that both functionality and important system qualities are addressed just in time, rather than too late. Agile teams embrace a “whole team” approach. Even though special skills may be required to perform certain development and Quality Assurance tasks, everyone on the team is focused on the delivery of quality software. The patterns in this paper are focused on “breaking down the walls” or removing barriers between people and traditional roles, as this is key for any change within an organization that is transitioning to being more Agile at Quality

QA to AQ: Patterns about transitioning from Quality Assurance to Agile Quality

Joseph W. Yoder
Rebecca Wirfs-Brock
Ademar Aquiar
07 Mar 2014 AsianPLoP '14 Proceedings
PDF 26 minutes read

This paper outlines core patterns for transitioning from a traditional QA practice to a more agile one, where quality is addressed earlier in the process and QA plays a more integral role.


As organizations transition to agile processes, Quality Assurance (QA) activities and roles need to evolve. Traditionally, QA activities have occurred late in the process, after the software is fully functioning. As a consequence, QA departments have been “quality gatekeepers” rather than actively engaged in the ongoing development and delivery of quality software. Agile teams incrementally deliver working software. Incremental delivery provides an opportunity to engage in QA activities much earlier, ensuring that both functionality and important system qualities are addressed just in time, rather than too late. Agile teams embrace a “whole team” approach. Even though special skills may be required to perform certain development and Quality Assurance tasks, everyone on the team is focused on the delivery of quality software. This paper outlines 24 patterns for transitioning from a traditional QA practice to a more agile process. Six of the patterns are completely presented that focus on where quality is addressed earlier in the process and QA plays a more integral role.


Twenty Years of Pattern Impact

Gregor Hohpe
Rebecca Wirfs-Brock
Joseph Yoder
Olaf Zimmermann
01 Nov 2013 IEEE Software

This column celebrates 20 years of software patterns.


This column celebrates the 20th year of software patterns. IEEE Software advisory board members teamed up with members of the Hillside Group, a nonprofit organization that promotes the use of patterns and pattern languages, to reflect on the state of the practice and impact of patterns.


Problem Frame Patterns—An Exploration of Patterns in the Problem Space

Rebecca Wirfs-Brock
Paul R. Taylor
James Noble
21 Oct 2006 PLoP '06 Proceedings
PDF ACM DOI 42 minutes read

This paper presents five patterns for framing problems, based on Michael Jackson's work.


A problem frame is a generic, abstract description of the structure of a problem. Using a problem frame requires selecting a candidate frame from a catalog and mapping the specific parts of the problem into the principal parts of the frame. In this paper we present five patterns, one for each of Jackson's original problem frames. We hope that by writing about problem frames as patterns, we can make the frames themselves and their structure more explicit, and so expose problem frames to a wider audience.